About me


University Degree Duration
University of Maryland, College Park Master of Engineering in Robotics 2021-2023
National Tsing Hua University Bachelor of Science in Power Mechanical Engineering 2015-2019


Kick Robotics

Position Department location Duration
Robotics Intern Warehouse bot project Bethesda, Maryland Sept 2022 - Dec 2022
Skills: C++, ROS2, SLAM, Robot Navigation, Nav2, Slam Toolbox, Gazebo, Unit Test

Designed and supported software for a warehouse bot project

  • Applied ROS2 navigation pipeline with Nav2 and SLAM Toolbox
  • Designed the warehouse simulation in Gazebo for regression testing

Kick warehouse robot navigating warehouse simulation environment.


Automatic warehouse layout generation

Vecna Robotics

Position Department location Duration
Robotics Software Intern Autonomy Waltham, Massachusetts June 2022 - Aug 2022
Skills: Python, C++, ROS, IK, FK, IMU, Linear Algebra, Numerical Method, Computer Vision

Implemented new features on current robot product

  • Developed control code and automatic calibration process for barcode scanner with steering mirror

Fixed bugs and improved existing workflow

  • Designed testing pipeline and tools for analyzing vibration performance of different lidar mounts using embedded IMU
  • Automated scripts for communication with peripheral sensors
  • Introduced and configured parameters in robot queuing behavior for customized needs

Barcode scanner with steering mirror from Cognex.


Vibration analysis for lidar mount.


Automatic barcode image stiching with accurate focus coordinate control.

National Tsing Hua University, Department of Electrical Engineering

Position Department Duration
Research Assistent Artificial Intellegence Center

Sept 2020 - July 2021

July 2019 - Jan 2020

Skills: Python, ROS, TCP, PDDL, VAE, Motion Planning, Webots

Researched on integrated task and motion planning of robotics arm

  • Integrated varieational autoencoder sampling-based motion planning with PDDLStream, an off-the-shelf planning framework

Collaborated in a Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) project of anthropomorphic robot arm application

  • Modified the robot arm software framework by using ROS and TCP socket to establish connections between Webots

Sampling collision-free trajectory to move beer bottle to goal region.


Executing successful plan from the sampling history.

Delta Electronics

Position Department Duration
Software Intern Delta Research Center July 2020 - Aug 2020
Skills: Python, ROS, Docker, rosbridge, OpenCV, MoveIt

Designed a modularized robot arm face tracking system

  • Implemented a web UI, a vision module with OpenCV, a control module with MoveIt, and integrated using ROS and Docker

Evaluated and examined novel software tools for industrial robot applications, including Docker, WSL2, and ROS


Face tracking robot arm

National Tsing Hua University, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering

Position Duration
Undergrduate capstone project 2018
Skills: Python, Matlab, Scikit-Learn, FFT, MEMS sensor, Arduino, Bluetooth, Mobile Apps

Conducted research and designed a lathe fault diagnose system

  • Analyzed vibration signal to determine the different states of the lathe machine with Matlab and AI algorithms from Scikit-learn.
  • Developed the system that preprocesses the data collected from a MEMS sensor by applying FFT on Arduino, and transmits the data through Bluetooth to a mobile application for data visualization.

6-axis accelerometer gyroscope sensor on lathe machine


Matlab interface for analyzing vibration


  • Programming










  • Tools & Library














  • Robotics








  • Domain Knowledge

Motion Planning Robot Simulation Robot Kinematics & Dynamics Machine Learning Classical Computer Vision

Control Theory Linear Algebra Probablistic


My professional interest mainly lies in 3 categories:

  1. Mobile-manipulator

    The field of robotics has made remarkable progress in recent times, yet most of the advancements are confined to controlled settings, such as laboratories and high-end warehouses. I envision a world where humans and robots work together in a seamless and collaborative manner, effortlessly tackling daily tasks. However, for robotics to truly become an integral part of our lives and enable effective collaboration with humans, the emergence of general-purpose robots is crucial. Among various types of robots, mobile manipulators are especially well-suited for this role due to their flexibility and mobility.

  2. Motion Planning and Task Planning

    I have always enjoyed games like chess or board games, which require us to effectively utilize our resources in order to achieve a goal. To me, the field of planning in robotics is no different. Robots try every combination of actions to achieve a goal or find the minimum cost of something. Perhaps, our brain is doing the same job with a fuzzy neural network-like mechanism, as we always try to maximize our happiness in life. By delving deeper into this field, we may gain a better understanding of ourselves.

  3. Architecture for Robotics Software

    Designing software for robotics is a complex and specialized task that requires a unique set of skills. Unlike traditional desktop applications, robotics software must effectively communicate with low-level hardware, while providing intuitive interfaces for humans to interact with. As technology advances, the software must also be scalable and adaptable, capable of accommodating changes to hardware components or algorithms. This challenging and dynamic field fascinates me, and I’m eager to delve deeper into it.

My general interests are reading, learning, and playing computer games.

  • My favorite book: Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!
  • My favorite movie: Interstellar, 3 Idiots
  • My favorite computer game: League of Legends
